Storm Rider - TB401, 150 Schuss
Storm Rider - TB401, 150 Schuss
Verbundfeuerwerk von Tropic mit verschiedenen Effekten:
bunte Kometen mit Blinkfeuertöpfen, Fischeffekte, Blinksternbuketts, Cracklingwolken, Glitzergoldbuketts, gefächerte Goldeffekte und Blinksternbuketts, sowie extrastarkes Goldfinale mit Saluts.
Red glittering mine silver cylinder, White glittering mine green cylinder, Blue tail spit crackling and silver fish; Blue tail to flower crown, Green tail to gold lasi and green glittering, Red tail to red spider and blue star, Red tail to ti-gold coconut and gold glittering, Red tail to double lasi, Green tail to gold spider and gold glittering, Blue tail to gold spider and blue star, Red tail to brocade crown and white glittering, Blue tail to brocade crown and blue star, Red tail to lemon dahlia and gold chrys, Green tail to pink dahlia and gold chrys, Red tail to red green spider and white glittering, Blue tail to brocade crown and ti-gold coconut, Red tail to blue star and golden glittering, Blue tail to flower crown, Silver whirl tail to ti-thunder and white glittering